Guncha Myradova became the winner of the international award “Turan”

A family of artists, masters of the historical and mythological genre, together created many large and small works in their oeuvre. Among them one of the works related to Soltansoyun is “Alyshir Novayy on the throne of Soltansoyun Baykara, between truth and lie” (2023). This work, created in the historical genre, also depicts a case between the two men. The work reveals the efforts of Soltansoyun to find wise allies. Soltanjoyn first tested Novayy in the desert, then invited him to his palace for a second test. But the viziers of Soltansoyun objected to the arrival of some shepherd wandering in the desert to his palace. When Soltansoyun asked them, “What is the distance between a lie and the truth?”, none of them could answer correctly. Soltansoyun told them, “None of you responded correctly. Call this shepherd, whom you despise so much, and I will ask him the same question. If he answers, he will answer, and if he won’t, he’ll be hanged without giving him any time.” Thus, when Myraly was called to the palace and asked this question, he replied: “It is between four fingers, my king!” folding his thumb, put four fingers between his eye and ear. Because our ancestors used to say: “Heard will be no equal, with the eye that saw.” The artist chooses such an opportunity to prove that what is seen with the eyes is true, and what is heard with the ears is a lie. The painter turns the event, which happened in a moment, into a monumental work of great significance. After the incident, Soltansoyun appointed Myraly as his chief vizier. The artist chose a work in a horizontal space. He manages to keep a balanced rhythm of the composition. The main characters stand out significantly in the main background. The image of a shepherd raising four fingers in the painting is convincingly interpreted.

According to the convincing image of the shepherd who came to the palace in a traditional headdress, shirt and socks, it is also clear that the answers he gave to the sultan were correct. He also masterfully created the image of the Soltansoyun, dressed in royal attire, who stood in front of him. Even the rosary in his hand is depicted for a reason. It is a symbol of wealth of royal wisdom and intelligence. Because one of those who was born under these four holy stars is Soltanoyun himself. This work of artists, depicted in a realistic tradition and uniquely coordinated the colors, managed to transfer the viewer into the event.

Dovletmyrat Durdiyev,
Vice-Chairman of the Childrens Artist school of the city of Mary 
and aplicant of the institute of history and archelogy.


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