Visit of the Head of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan to Japan

On December 22, 2022, the 14th joint meeting of the Turkmen-Japanese and Japanese-Turkmen Committees for Economic Cooperation was held in Tokyo. To participate in the work of this forum, a delegation of Turkmenistan headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov arrived in Japan on a working visit.

During the meeting, the parties exchanged views on various issues in the field of trade and economic cooperation between Turkmenistan and Japan. The sides exchanged opinions on manifold issues of trade and economic interaction. It was stressed that the successful development of joint cooperation in such directions as transport, electric power, industry, water management, finance and ecology.

During the meeting, a solid package of documents was signed between the leading state concerns of Turkmenistan and Japanese companies in such areas as the chemical industry, gas industry, transport and water management and special attention at the talks was paid to the expansion of partnership in education and healthcare.

During this visit, a delegation of Turkmenistan visited the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), where they met with the president of the agency, Akihiko Tanaka. The sides during this meeting the importance of training programs in the functioning of JICA was noted, which provide partner countries with the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge based on Japanese experience. The effectiveness of JICA trainings in various areas, such as economics and finance, education, entrepreneurship, natural gas technologies, transport and logistics, and tourism, was emphasized.

Sona Halykova


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