14th World Kurash Wrestling Championship

Yesterday, the 14th World Kurash Wrestling Championship opened in the capital of Turkmenistan. This event shows that Ashgabat is becoming a well-known international sports center. It has support from the International Kurash Association and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag, also supports the development of physical culture and sports as a top priority for Turkmenistan.

Local athletes take part in big international competitions and win medals, sometimes even gold. Starting this year, athletes from our country have competed in 243 international events and won 674 medals. These include 190 gold, 194 silver, and 290 bronze medals. All of this shows how our country is becoming more and more powerful in sports.

After the ceremony, the people at the celebration watched a video about the beautiful nature, traditions, and wealth of Turkmenistan while listening to traditional music.

Later, the audience watched several dances that were about Turkmen wrestling, Turkmen carpets, and cultural heritage items. Of course, no holiday would be complete without the ancient magical dance called kushtdepdi. It represents the connection between different times and generations and is an important part of our cultural heritage, both at home and around the world. UNESCO decided to add kushtdepdi to the list of important cultural traditions.

The World Kurash Championship has begun. Fans can look forward to thrilling battles in seven men’s and eight women’s weight classes.

compiled by Peristan TORAYEVA,
student of the Institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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