G20 summit was held in India

On September 9-10th, 2023 year, the Summit of the Heads of State of the G20 countries was held in New Delhi, the capital of India. The heads of state of 20 member states, as well as nine countries (Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Mauritius, Nigeria, Netherlands, UAE, Oman and Singapore) were invited.

The theme of the summit was “One Land, One Family, One Future”, which was set by the Republic of India as the host country. Within the framework of the summit, three main meetings were held under the names “One Land”, “One Family” and “One Future”. The regular summit of this huge organization gained great popularity at the international level.

Collectively, the G20 represents 85% of the world’s gross national product, 75% of world trade (including intra-EU trade) and 2/3 part of the world’s population. The group includes 19 of the largest national economies, plus the European Union and the African Union as collective members. This organization was established in 1999 year. Since 2008, the Summit of heads of member states have been held.

student of the institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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