The international competition “International Relations: Culture of Peaceful Dialogue” has started

The international contest “International Relations: Culture of Peaceful Dialogue” was jointly organized by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. It was launched on May 23, 2024, at the Institute of International Relations. More than 250 participants from higher educational institutions of Central Asia, the Caspian region, the Republic of Turkey, the People’s Republic of China, and Turkmenistan have registered for the international contest. Specifically, about 40 master’s and undergraduate students from 11 prestigious higher education institutions of 9 countries, as well as students from 22 higher education institutions of Turkmenistan, will participate in the competition.

During the opening ceremony, Rector Jumamyrat Gurbangeldiev and senior lecturer Sapar Berdiniazov emphasized the importance of the international contest, which is based on the need to promote efforts to help preserve peace and trust and strengthen mutual dialogue, in line with the resolution “2025 – International Year of Peace and Trust” adopted on March 21, 2024, on the initiative of Turkmenistan at the 63rd plenary meeting of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. This competition is being held in the country for the first time, aiming to deeply study the strategic foundations of international relations, deepen students’ knowledge in solving tactical problems, reveal their research abilities, and widely publicize the principles of international relations, universal peace, and the establishment of close cooperative relations with foreign colleagues, as well as develop international youth cooperation.

A festive concert prepared by the musical and creative teams of the Institute of International Relations and the Maya Kulieva Turkmen National Conservatory was held during the opening ceremony, which inspired the enthusiastic student youth. Then, according to the relevant regulations, the participants of the international contest began to answer written and test questions in individual and group form. The International Contest “International Relations: Culture of Peaceful Dialogue” will continue its work until May 25 this year.

compiled by Gyzlargul ANNAGURDOVA,
student of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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