Turkmenistan joined 11 International Labor Organization Conventions

During the Government session held through the digital network, Vice Premier of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov also reported on the measures taken to develop cooperation between Turkmenistan and the International Labor Organization, a specialized body of the United Nations. In order to expand the existing cooperation, a number of proposals were presented to the Turkmen leader.

As noted in the report, the future plans of measures for cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the International Labor Organization for 2024-2025 has been developed. In this regard, it is proposed to participate in the implementation of these future plans and the measures envisaged in it by the representatives of the state institutions and public organizations of Turkmenistan.

It was also reported that the 112th meeting of the International Labor Council of the International Labor Organization is scheduled to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from June 3 to 14 of this year. The CEO of HZG invited the delegation of Turkmenistan to participate in this meeting. In this regard, it is considered expedient to organize meetings of the Turkmen delegation with the leaders and representatives of the International Labor Organization within the framework of the visit to Geneva.

In addition, it is proposed to organize a visit of experts on international labor standards of the International Labor Organization to Turkmenistan from May 14 to 17 of this year to discuss the joint activities planned for 2024.

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the recommendations and noted that Turkmenistan is making the necessary efforts to develop and strengthen cooperation with international organizations.

The Turkmen leader emphasized that special importance is attached to the cooperation established with the European Union, and instructed to hold the conference in this field at the highest organizational level.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the International Organization of Turkish Culture (TURKSOY) to ensure good preparation for the 10th meeting of the national groups of the member states on UNESCO affairs, which will be held in Ashgabat on May 16 of this year.

Noting that Turkmenistan’s efforts are widely supported by reputable international organizations, the Turkmen leader instructed Vice-Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov to carry out the necessary work on further development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the International Labor Organization.

the student of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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