Students from Turkmenistan won 17 medals at the Mathematical Olympiad in Romania

At the 18th International South-Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad “SEEMOUS-2024” held from April 9th to 14th in Iasi, Romania, students from Turkmenistan won a total of 17 medals in various categories.

The talented mathematicians from Turkmenistan earned a total of 17 medals at the competition – 1 gold, 7 silver, and 9 bronze. The International University of Humanities and Development student, Medine Odayeva, won the gold medal. At this university, Nurmyrat Atayev and Myratgeldi Annamuhammedov received silver medals, while Azymgeldi Shyhov and Dovletmyrat Esenov received bronze medals.

At the Magtymguly Turkmen State University, four students – Balkan Jepbarov, Shabibi Nurjanova, Serdar Orazmyradov and Emir Vellekov – won four silver medals, while Agabek Matyakubov received a bronze medal. Two representatives of the Turkmen State Institute of Construction won medals: Muhammetmyrat Gochmyradov (silver) and Nagym Tanrygulyyev (bronze).

Five more silver medals were awarded to the following individuals: Mergen Gayypov from Turkmen Agricultural Institute, Mahriban Dovranova from Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Nyyazov, Maksat Akmyradov from Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan, Bayram Turayev from State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, and Dovlet Nurmyradov from Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management.

Students from 9 countries, including France, India, and Romania, competed in a prestigious math contest. The Mathematical Society of South-Eastern Europe, the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, and the Romanian Mathematical Society organize the Olympiad.

The SEEMOUS Mathematical Olympiad has been held annually since 2007. It provides an excellent platform for identifying and developing young talents, fostering scientific and educational cooperation, and establishing friendly connections in the global academic space.


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