WED for Sustainable Development

The first WED in 2019 and the ones after that included both online and in-person events organized by UNESCO, WFEO, and engineering institutions. They also aimed to create social media trends and messages about the event’s theme and to involve UN agencies, businesses, other groups, the media, and students.

Every year, WFEO hosted a 24-hour live stream featuring celebrations from different parts of the world. Starting in 2022, the celebration will have worldwide events, like a competition for engineering students to come up with ideas for sustainable development.

Engineering has always been important for making things better and helping people. It’s important to make sure that students in the future can create ways to solve problems in their own communities and all around the world. The World Engineering Day tells engineering students to work together on a big problem in the world.

The 2024 theme for World Engineering Day is “Using engineering to make a better and lasting world”. This topic shows how engineers help solve big problems like climate change, poverty, and inequality with new and creative ideas.

Right after the whole world agreed to follow the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015, Turkmenistan started working on making the Sustainable Development Goals its own. They did this by creating a plan with three steps to achieve the goals and targets.

compiled by Sheker ANNAYEVA,
student of the institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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