Turkmenistan plans to build a factory ferroalloy products

Turkmenistan will build a factory to make ferroalloys like ferrosilicon, silicon carbide, and technical silicon.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production is looking for people from around the world to join in a competition to do a study on a project.
The ad in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper says that if you want to be considered, you have to send in some paperwork and pay a fee of $1,725.
Please send two envelopes with your tender documents. One envelope should have the price and the other envelope should have all other documents.

We will accept proposals for commercial and technical projects within 30 working days from when the announcement is made.

You can also read about it in Business Turkmenistan website.

compiled by Altybay ALTYBAYEV,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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