Turkmen-Korean cooperation in the field of education

The other day, there was a meeting at the Innovation and Information Center of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. The meeting was with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Turkmenistan, Ji Kyu-taek, at the Access Center, which provides information created by the Korean National Agency for information society (NIA). About this reported Turkmenistan: Golden age.

The diplomat learned about programs for older people and children with disabilities. They also joined a Korean language lesson to understand how the center teaches. Ji Kyu-taek went to a training on using technology to turn text into speech on computers and smartphones. This was for helping people with low vision learn. The training was put on by this center and the UNICEF office in Turkmenistan. In this training, people learned how to use a program that turns words into speech in Turkmen and Russian on computers and phones.

The Korean diplomat was given a book by the President of Turkmenistan called “Youth is the support of the Motherland. ” The book is important for teaching young people to love their country and the values of the country.

There was also a discussion about the motto for 2024, which is “Treasure the mind of Magtymguly Fragi,” to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker from the East. As mentioned in the meeting, this year there will be many events held both nationally and internationally to honor and celebrate the life and work of Magtymguly Fragi.

The Ambassador from South Korea to Turkmenistan showed that they are friendly and supportive of education and culture. They said that the Innovation-Information Center has many books for learning the Korean language. The meeting showed that Turkmenistan and Korea are working together to share their cultures and improve education.

compiled by Azizbek ABDULLAYEV,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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