Importance of Arabic language

Language is an important tool that brings people together, makes people friendly, and helps maintain harmonious relationships between people.  Since the beginning of mankind, the language used as one of the historical and national characteristics of each nation has retained its value even today.

As a clear example of this, December 18 is considered “Arabic Language Day” in the United Nations holiday system.  In order to “promote and strengthen linguistic and cultural diversity”, the decision to celebrate an “International Day” of each of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations was adopted by the Office of Public Information of the United Nations on February 19, 2010.

On December 18, 1973, at its 28th session, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution “On the inclusion of Arabic in the official and working languages ​​of the General Assembly.”  At the 190th session of UNESCO’s Executive Council, on the proposal of Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Libya, today was approved as the World Day of the Arabic Language. The purpose of celebrating each of the six language days is to raise awareness among Member States and United Nations agencies and staff about the history, respective cultures and development of each of these languages.

compiled by Maksat GARYAGDYYEV,
student of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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