Amnested 302 Turkmen citizens in Turkmenistan

302 Turkmen citizens and 6 foreign citizens were amnested on the occasion of International Days of Neutrality.

On Monday, our Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a comprehensive meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers with the participation of heads of diplomatic and consular offices and delegations of international organizations abroad, reports TDH

Our Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Decrees on amnested 302 citizens, including 6 foreign citizens, in the honour of the International Day of Neutrality, moreover, together with the leaders of the law enforcement agencies He gave instructions to do all the necessary arrangements to rejoin the acquitted to their family members.

Governors of provinces, districts and cities, and other leaders were instructed to take appropriate measures to provide employment to the convicted people.

The President wished the amnested people to contribute to the large-scale work being carried out in the country, serve our dear Motherland sincerely and live and work honestly.


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