International volunteer day theme of this year was announced

International volunteer day of economic and social development of 2023 was announced as “Volunteer now for our common future.”

The International Volunteer Day (IVD) for Economic and Social Development adopted by the United Nations. A/RES/40/212 Resolution of UN General Assembly was ratified on 17 December 1985.

By this date, United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme was created to contribute for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This programme and its members support campaigns at local, national and international level.

If we mention, the theme of previous year qas named as “Together, act now” in 2022. In 2021, theme of International Volunteer Day was called “Volunteer now for our common future.”

Each year, over 50,000 volunteers share celebration photos, videos and posters in the website of the IVD. The website views over 150 volunteers worldwide.

Also, the volunteers in developing countries, as well as, African countries join actively.
Each year, over 80 countries celebrate International Volunteers Day annually.

the student of the Institute of
International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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