The IV International Festival “Theatrical Art of the Happy Era”

The 4th International Festival “Theater Art of the Age of the Happy Era” started today in the capital of Turkmenistan.

This big theater festival was put together by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan. People from different countries like Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkey all joined in. These are groups of famous drama, music, and youth theaters, and also experts in stage art and theater critics.

Turkmenistan is using cultural diplomacy to make friends with other countries and improve its reputation. It’s working well. This means sharing thoughts, facts, and cultural aspects to help people understand each other better.

It’s important to mention that when different countries talk to each other, it can help bring them together politically, financially, and culturally. This is very important for the world. Culture brings different people and countries together because everyone can understand it without needing to translate anything. Artistic parties and cultural celebrations, like plays and movie shows, Cultural Days from different countries, worldwide shows and markets, have become signs of friendship and understanding.

These events are organized to help people from different cultures get to know and appreciate each other better. This is the only way to keep the best parts of different cultures talking to each other for a long time.

Dursungozel AGAYEVA,
teacher of the Institute of Engineering and
Transport Communications of Turkmenistan.


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