An international theater festival of the Balkan countries

From March 1 to March 10, 2024, the 11th International Theater Festival of the Balkan Countries “Balkan Breeze” will be held in Turkey.

The “Balkan Countries Theater Festival” is held annually in Bursa in the spring, under the leadership of the Turkish State Theater, in which leading theater troupes from the Balkan countries contribute to theater art. stage, will also have the opportunity to be given to a world-famous theater troupe.

The Balkan spirit also pervades countries with freedom without borders. There were common emotions, rich flavors of separation, love, wishes, suffering and happiness among the Bosniaks, Macedonians, Albanians, Croats, Serbs, Greeks and Bulgarians who lived side by side in many years. This historical past will bring us more joy than suffering.

As one of the largest metropolitan cities in Türkiye, Bursa is our fourth largest city. Bursa, which hosts many industrial organizations such as automobiles and textiles, has been overlooked for many years in presenting Bursa’s encounter with different cultural fabrics in the field of theater arts. This festival aims to revive theater arts in line with the province’s economic development and introduction.

compiled by Aylar MAMMETBERDIYEVA,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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