Turkmenistan will export natural gas to the Iraq

Yesterday, in the capital of Turkmenistan, a meeting took place between representatives of the state company “Türkmengaz” and the delegation of the Republic of Iraq led by Minister of Electricity Ziad Ali Fadel,

During the meeting, the representative of the Iraqi Government expressed his country’s desire to further develop a mutually beneficial relationship with Turkmenistan, a country with great potential in the energy sector. As you know, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the state company “Türkmengaz” and the Ministry of Electricity of the Republic of Iraq.

Among the promising new partners, the Turkmen side considers a number of countries in the Far East, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, which have shown great interest in effective cooperation with Turkmenistan in the field of energy. Among them is the Republic of Iraq.
As a result of the current meeting, a protocol was signed on the main commercial conditions of the agreement on the sale of Turkmen natural gas to the Republic of Iraq.

According to the protocol, over a period of five years, 9 billion cubic meters of Turkmenistan’s natural gas will be transported annually through the Islamic Republic of Iran to Iraq under the SWAP program.

compiled by Pir DURDYYEV,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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