New 1,574 Megawatts Power Plant in Balkan

On November 3, with the participation of the President of the Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the laying of the foundation a combined cycle gas turbine power plant with 1,574 megawatts in the Turkmenbashi Etrap of the Balkan Velayat, as well as two newly built gas turbines that produce electric power, of the Mary-Ahal overhead power transmission line through the digital system, in the complex of oil refineries in Turkmenbashi opening ceremony of the facility was held.

It was attended by the leadership of the country, leaders and representatives of foreign embassies and international organizations in Turkmenistan and others.

The new power plant with a capacity of 1,574 megawatts will be a large gas and steam power plant in the country and that it is very important in increasing the capacity of the national economy. Ahmet Chalyk, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Chalyk Holding” Group of Companies, spoke and said that it was a great honor for them to build this large facility and the power transmission systems necessary to connect it to the power system. As planned, construction works will be completed in May 2027 and the facility will be fully operational.

The new plant will be Turkmenistan’s second combined cycle gas turbine power plant. The country’s first such plant with an annual capacity of 1,574 MW went into operation in 2018, in Mary province.

student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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