During the Revival of the new era of powerful state every day is filled with remarkable events. As a result of the efforts of our Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar, in the year of “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”, opportunities are created for young artists to glorify our national values in their artistic works.            In aim to enhance the glory and artistic display of the external appearance of the Turkmen Alabai in works of fine and decorative-applied art, grown on Turkmen soil for thousands of years, considered one of the national values ​​of the people, which has become an excellent example of fidelity, masculinity, courage, exhibitions and creative competitions are organized at the state level. In the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan was opened an exhibition of works on the artistic depiction of the Turkmen Alabai in works of fine and decorative-applied art, printed materials submitted for a creative competition.

Mentors and young teachers, talented students of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan participate in the exhibition with their creations. Masters of art and talented students glorify the Turkmen Alabai in painting, graphics, sculpture, carpets, jewelry and ceramics, which has such wonderful qualities as courage, courage, endurance and loyalty to its owner. Our masters of art and talented students of Turkmen Alabai, who have great qualities such as bravery, courage and loyalty to their owner, are making their mark in painting, graphics, sculpture, carpeting, jewelry and ceramic works. The paintings presented at the exhibition show that the Turkmen Alabai is a natural example of fidelity, a symbol of courage and bravery. The teachers of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan Polat Garryev, Zakirjan Babayev, Mekan Nuryagdyev, Yalkap Garryev, students Jumamyrat Gurbanov, Serdar Osmanov, Bayly Ainazarov, Chinar Charyeva, Kabegul Ishangulyeva, Bagul Artykova, Lachyn Muhtarova and others took part in the event.

A young teacher of our higher education school Yalkap Garryev in his painting “Windy Day”, based on the artistic language of modernist trends, uses the contrast of various shades of red, bluish-green, and ocher, which enhances their impact on the viewer. This work reminds us of life in a Turkmen village. Since ancient times, the Alabai was perceived as a member of the family; dogs were trained in certain areas, such as herding, guard and hunting dogs. Since ancient times, the Alabai has been considered as a member of the family, and dogs have been trained in separate areas such as sheepdogs, guard dogs and hunting dogs. In the first plan of the artist’s work is a brave image of a Turkmen Alabai, who guards camels drinking water, as a guard protecting them from danger. Carpet “asmalyks” on camels are also distinguished by their bright colors, which contributes to the manifestation of national shades in the work. The image of the Alabai – the shepherd’s closest assistant, in such paintings as “Turkmen Alabai” by Jumamyrat Gurbanov and “Reliable friend” by Serdar Osmanov, written in a realistic style, truthfully embody moments of the daily life of the Turkmen people.

In the works of Bayly Aynazarova, Chinar Charyeva, Bagul Artykova, the faithful, courageous spirit and the embodiment of the beauty of physical health of the Turkmen Alabai were embodied in harmony with examples of our ancient and modern national architecture, the beautiful landscape of the Kopetdag foothills, and the white marble buildings of the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag. Lachyn Muhtarova’s painting “Competition” is dedicated to the international competition “Ýylyň türkmen edermen alabaýy” (“Brave Turkmen Alabai of the Year”). This work shows the moment of overcoming obstacles by the brave Turkmen Alabai, that is, the ability to climb up and down stairs.

Paintings reflecting the appearance of the Turkmen Alabai show that Alabais, which are an integral part of the historical and cultural heritage of our people, have spread throughout the world and occupy a large place in the creativity of Turkmen artists.

Jeren Baltayeva,
teacher of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan,
Annagul Bagtiyarova,
3rd year student of art critic department of
the State Academy of Arts Turkmenistan.


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