Turkmen manat is a symbol of economic development

Today, there was a conference at the bank Senagat in Turkmenistan to celebrate 30 years since their national currency, the manat, was first used.

The national manat was introduced on 1st November 1993, which is remembered as an important event in our country’s history.

The country’s banks are working hard to make the Turkmen manat stronger and to help people save and borrow money, as the head of state has asked them to do. Banks are focusing on following international rules for their financial reports, training their staff to be better at their jobs, and updating their buildings and equipment.

It’s important to know that President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is leading big changes and making the country’s economy better. The plan to make Turkmenistan a powerful and prosperous country from 2022 to 2052 is going well, as well as the plan to develop the country from 2022 to 2028.

Based on the plans of Turkmenistan’s government, they are taking steps to make more electronic payments, make the payment system stronger, and make banks better able to compete. This is part of their goals for the banking and digital economy in the country.

The government wants to attract more money from other countries and from local businesses. They also want to lend more money for big projects that are important for the country. This is part of the plan to improve the economy.

student of the Institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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