Business forum of young entrepreneurs Central Asia-Republic of Korea Cooperation Forum

A business meeting was organized by the Turkmenistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ashgabat. It was attended by young entrepreneurs from Central Asia and South Korea. The forum was a part of a meeting between Central Asia and South Korea. It focused on the continued teamwork between these two areas.

The meeting of young entrepreneurs from Central Asian countries and South Korea focused on making stronger relationships and growing businesses between the countries. The discussion also emphasized how important it is for the government to help young entrepreneurs. This means getting investments for projects that are good for both the investors and the entrepreneurs. Also, the forum wanted to encourage working together in areas like trade, economy, and other important areas between the countries involved.

People from the government agencies, chambers of commerce and industry, and young entrepreneurs from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan also talked at the forum.

The conference will focus on important topics in transportation and logistics, medicine and healthcare, collaboration in technology, and other aspects of business.

The event talked about ways to help young people starting businesses, working together to invest money, finding funds and help for starting a business. We focused on making new improvements in our plans for the future, especially in ways that benefit the environment.

You can also read it about in Business Turkmenistan website.

compiled by Shyhmyrat CHARYYEV,
student of the Institute of Engineering and
Transport Communications of Turkmenistan.


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