Teacher‘s Oath

Teaching is one of the most important jobs in human life.  If a child learns to walk with the help of first steps, the teacher also guides a person to the first steps of life, teaches him to walk correctly and take smart steps.  Anyone can fall and make mistakes in life.  But thanks to the true teacher in his life, he manages to stand up again.  He continues his life again on the line of new, intelligent, right thoughts.

 The medical profession is considered a responsible profession because they deal with the physics of a person. And the teacher has to work with the spiritual world of a person.

 That is, ”if doctors swear by the Hippocratic Oath that their work will be carried out correctly, wisely, faithfully to the human life, why a teacher who plants the initial sapling of every person, pushes him on the right path, and enriches his spiritual world, shouldn’t take an oath that he will work responsibly and fairly, swear to cling to his students and to his job with love?‘‘  I write this oath with that in mind.

Teacher‘s Oath

I sincerely swear to start teaching!

To have a high level of knowledge of the subject, but also to have specific knowledge related to various branches of science;

To teach students and to speak in clear, understandable and literate language;

To teach life along with the subject you are studying;

To be a teacher who shows the right path in life, gives motivation and hope and develops a strong spirited person who can stand up against in all the challenges of the future;

Always be on the side of truth and teach to uphold the truth;

Be fair and honest, but also able to use a useful lie if it’s necessary;

Learning the interests of the students and organizing the curriculum accordingly;

Understanding each student‘s life situation, providing support as needed, including teaching self-reliance in society;

Ensure that students not only learn, but also enjoy;

Be an example to them in everything you do;

Always put patience and love first;

Explaining that the subject being taught is only for the student, why he/she is studying it, and its useful role in society;

Being able to not only speak, but also to listen, and even admit when you are wrong;

Always be in progress;

To respect and be honest with colleagues and superiors as well as your own teachers;

Love, enjoy and respect your job;

A true teacher must love and then be loved!

student of  Turkmen national Institute
of world languages Dovletmammet Azadi.


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