International forum The role of neutral states in strengthening security, stability and dialogue in the OSCE region

Recently, was held the international forum “The Role of Neutral States in Strengthening Security, Stability and Dialogue in the OSCE Region” jointly with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe at the Yildiz Hotel. The forum was attended by representatives of Parliamentarians from different countries, representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, as well as teachers and students of domestic universities.

The main agenda of the forum was to consider the essential role of neutral states in ensuring and strengthening security, stability and dialogue to resolve conflicts, as well as the role of parliamentary diplomacy in the implementation of foreign policy. It should be noted that the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan has significantly stimulated the development of international cooperation and good neighborly relations in the region. In a short time, Turkmenistan has become known on the world stage as a country that implements a unique foreign policy aimed at global peace and security.

All this is a clear evidence of the consistent course of the legal status of neutrality in the successful implementation of the country’s foreign policy. As you know, the global initiative “Dialogue and Guarantee of Peace” promoted by Turkmenistan is aimed at consolidating the efforts of the international community in strengthening the traditions of peaceful and trusting coexistence of the peoples of the world, restoring value attitudes and ideological views based on the principles of peace and trust aimed at creating a favorable environment in the international space for the implementation of long-term national programs, establishing a culture of peace and trust as an integral factor of international relations.

Akmaral AKYLOWA,
student of state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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