International conference “International transportation: interaction and growth – 2023”

On May 3-4, 2023, in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan, organized by the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, the II international conference entitled “International transport corridors: interconnection and development – 2023” was held.

International Council Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, “Turkmendemiryöllary”, “Turkmenawtoulaglary”, “Turkmenhowayollary”, “Turkmendenizyollary”, “Turkmenaragatnasyk”, “Railways” agencies, “Turkmenhowayollary”, “Maritime Trade Fleet”, “Balkan Shipbuilding” and repair plant”, “Transport-logistics center of Turkmenistan” was organized by open joint-stock companies in cooperation with “Turkmen forum” economic society. More than 700 representatives from these fields participated in the international forum.

The exhibition organized during the event was a great opportunity for the companies participating in the forum to exchange ideas and experience, as well as offer new technologies and products, modern services that contribute to the development of international transport infrastructure.

Gandymow Dowran,
student of state energy institute of Turkmenistan


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