International transport conference and exhibition

An international transport conference and exhibition is being held in the country, which has become an international logistics center. In recent years, our country has achieved great success in maintaining cooperation in the field of transport and logistics. Based on these goals, an international conference and exhibition entitled “International Transport Corridors: Interconnection and Development – 2023” will be held on May 3-4, 2023.

More than 800 representatives of international organizations, local and foreign state and private companies will participate in this international conference within the framework of the “Program of Development of Transport Diplomacy of the President of Turkmenistan for 2022-2025”. At this event, issues such as the possibilities of increasing trade through logistics, the interrelationship of transport and logistics in the global economy, digitalization of trade and logistics, modern directions of postal services, the role of public-private partnerships in the development of transport and logistics infrastructure connectivity, as well as the role of science and education in the development of digital trade and logistics It will be an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest new experiences in the discussion, as well as to get acquainted with advanced technologies and innovations that contribute to the development of infrastructure.

Mekan Rozyyew,
student of institute of International relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan


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