National writer of Turkmenistan Rahym Esenov passed away

On April 24, national writer of Turkmenistan Rahym Esenov passed away at the age of 96. The editors of the portal “InAshgabat” express their deepest condolences to the relatives of Rahym Esen. May his soul rest in peace! Let’s talk a little about Rahim Esen. – Esenov Rahim Magtymovich was born on February 1, 1927 in Ashgabat. He is a writer, a member of the Writers’ Union of Russia, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Rahim Esen graduated successfully the Faculty of Russian Philology of the Turkmen State University. In different years, the writer worked in different jobs (Editor-in-Chief of the Radio Committee of the Turkmen SSR, Minister of Culture of the Turkmen SSR, Chairman of the Union of Writers of Turkmenistan). The national writer of Turkmenistan is the author of popular works – “Peýkam” (Tip), “Turanyň gözýaşlary” (Tears of Turan), “Sary Dominionyň kölegeleri” (Shades of the Yellow Dominion), “Şübheli” (Doubtful), “Aýyplamalaryň pidasy” (Prey of accusations) and author of the large-scale novels “Baýram han” (Bayram khan), “Dünýäde sen barkaň” (While you are in the world). Several literary creations were published in different languages of the world.

Translated from Turkmen


the 2nd year student of the IIRMFA of Turkmenistan


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