Legality in our life

Legality is the principle of unconditional fulfillment by all state bodies, officials and citizens of the requirements of the law and court decisions. It involves effective protection of the legitimate interests and rights of citizens, the possibility of judicial appeal against the actions of officials. The demand for legality was first put forward during the revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries. Such a mode of public life, which is characterized by the rule of law in it and the unconditional fulfillment of its requirements by citizens and officials, the presence of special mechanisms that guarantee the safety and protection of the individual.

The political and legal regime or the principle of the real operation of law in the state, in which state bodies, officials and citizens strictly observe legal norms and, first of all, laws. Compliance with laws and other legal acts by the state, legal entities and individuals. Legality is based on the power and authority of the state, implies the rule of law over power, as well as over other regulatory systems. Strict implementation of laws and legal acts corresponding to them by all state bodies, officials and other persons. One of the elements of democracy and the rule of law. Correspondence of actions of individuals, social. groups to the legal order established in a given society. Legitimacy, a positive assessment of the activities of rulers, watered, movements and social. institutes.

The principle of exact and universal implementation by all state bodies, officials and citizens of the requirements of the constitution, laws, etc. Exact and unswerving observance of legal norms, strict and complete implementation of the prescriptions of laws and legal acts based on them by all subjects of law: citizens, officials, state bodies, organizations, the state. The regime of the rule of law in the relationship between the individual and the state, the citizen and the official (organ of the state). This is a regime of public life, which is based on a system of requirements for compliance with the law by all state bodies, officials, enterprises, institutions and citizens.



1st Year Student of the Faculty of
International Law of the Institute of
International Relations of the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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