Turkmenistan’s neutrality, friendly, constructive and respectful relations with all the states, cooperation established with the UN and its specialized agencies, participation in the work of other respected organizations create favorable opportunities for our country to participate more efficiently in the resolution of the most significant problems of modern world.

Significant contribution of the Turkmen diplomacy in strengthening friendly ties, mutual understanding and trust on the regional and world levels. Our country steadily pursue constructive foreign course aimed at expansion of multidimensional international cooperation, consolidation of the efforts of the world community for achievement of the Sustainable development goals in regional and global scale under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This forward-looking strategy and the constructive initiatives put forward by the leader of the nation receive universal approval and support. The initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which was embodied in the above-mentioned Resolution of the UN General Assembly, comes from the basic principles and key objectives of the policy of positive neutrality of Turkmenistan, which tries to realize its peacemaking and creative potential for common wealth and progress.

Special attention is paid to realization of the potential of preventive diplomacy, efficient application of such instruments as regulation of disputes and conflicts by political and diplomatic methods, peacemaking and measures for strengthening of trust.

Foreign policy is based on the Constitution, the Constitutional Act on the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, Foreign policy concept of Turkmenistan as a neutral state, other legislative acts. Turkmenistan’s foreign policy is a logical extension of domestic policy and is determined by the international legal status of permanent neutrality, recognized by the United Nations. Turkmenistan maintains friendly and open relations with all countries of the world. The role of Turkmenistan in the international arena is being strengthened, in particular through active cooperation with authoritative international organizations.


Amanbagt Ussayeva,

2nd Year Student of the Faculty of
International Law of the Institute of
International Relations of the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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