Landscapes of golden fund

In the year of “Turkmenistan is the clime of Neutrality” affairs such as ceremonial events, scientific discussions, exhibitions take places more widely. Praising the beauty and prosperity of our neutral motherland State Art Academy of Turkmenistan starts its second term of study with an exhibition called “Landscapes of golden fund”. Opening of exhibition is to take place at the house of exhibitions of State Art Academy of Turkmenistan at 8 o’clock in 10th of February in 2020. Works of graduates that they drew at study time and works of still learning students at present will be demonstrated at exhibition.

Those works are result projects that were made creatively at their practice part of their study. Wonderful nature of our motherland, white city Ashgabat, beautiful edges of our districts and places of foreign countries, especially historic places of city Sankt-Petersburg are depicted with musical vivid colors. About 300 works will be presented at exhibition, and most of them are painters works. There are quite tangible feelings of our country’s peace, beauty and poetic nature in that projects. And these feelings are the motivation of brilliant generation of young students.

Annamyradow Mekan

Student of the State art Academy of Turkmenistan


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