The healer of the Turkmen poetry

Magtymguly — philosopher of the Turkmen people, has been glorifying the Turkmen people with his name and inimitable literature for three hundred years. The high status of the poet in the history, social-political, cultural, and literary life of the Turkmen is permanent. Magtymguly is the faith of the Turkmen soul, it’s the philosophic stone that differentiates good and evil and the eternal light of eyes. Magtymguly is a national poet of the Turkmen people first of all, at the same time he is a thinker-humanist who cared about all human beings, and his care for others has been exposed through his love for the Turkmen people. His love for creativity, peaceful life in the country and his militant thinking to improve the fate of the ordinary people made him prominent and took him out of the national boundaries. A personality who serves faithfully to mankind can be useful for everyone; a person who won the hearts of his people can also win the souls of the other people.

The poet expressed his philosophical views through poetical precepts that a man should strive for spiritual perfection. He appealed to his contemporaries to build a fear society, because he knew the essence of freedom and the motive of the conflicts; he called upon his people to understand human nature, be sensible, unite, and create statehood. The great poet left us the immense heritage of poetic treasure which is full of wisdom and sweet feelings and wishes for peace and prosperity for his people whom he wanted to see educated and successful. Healthy judgment of his verses serves as an admirable guideline not only for the Turkmen but also for the spiritual needs of humanity. It is the poetic world of this lyricist that became the gem of human knowledge. At present people of different countries and cultures can read and enjoy the beauty of his verses, which makes you think about life and social problems. His fine verses became songs for the beloved and his wisdom serves as proverbs and sayings for the ordinary and educated, for that reason, they are translated into many languages of the world.

student of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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