International Сooperation of Turkmenistan in the Social and Labour sphere

Turkmenistan pays special attention to developing multilateral cooperation with prestigious international organisations, primarily the United Nations (UN). The International Labour Organization (ILO) is one of the largest international organisations of the UN system. Turkmenistan became a member in 1993. The activities of the ILO are carried out in several directions, including the development of conventions and recommendations on labour. International standards contained in the ILO documents cover various areas of labour relations and  are aimed at prohibiting discrimination against workers, protecting maternity and work of young people, ensuring freedom of trade unions and protecting the right to organization, and equality in the field of work and occupation of men and women,  guarantees in matters of payment, labour,  etc. ILO conventions are a form of collective international documents and contain standards in the field of labour, labour relations and employment of the population. These standards act as a common denominator and serve as the basis for national actions by governments, workers’  organizations and employers Turkmenistan ratified the UN international conventions on human rights and the fundamental conventions of the ILO,  implementing their main provisions into regulatory legal acts governing labour, employment and social protection of the population, national legislation.

In 1996, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan ratified the fundamental ILO conventions  “On Forced or Compulsory Labour”, “On the Abolition of Forced Labour”, “On  Equal Remuneration for Men and Women for Work of Equal Value”, “On Discrimination in Labour and Occupation”, “On  Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organization”, “On the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organization and to Collective Bargaining”, “On the Minimum Age for Employment”; in 2010 – “On the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour”. In  2014, Turkmenistan, as one of the coastal states, joined the ILO technical Convention “On Seafarer’s Identity Documents”  concerning, inter alia, facilitating the admission of seafarers to the territory of the  Member States for shore leave, transit, transfer to another ship or to return home. Thus, Turkmenistan undertook obligations to apply and ensure the main provisions of these documents. The Constitution of Turkmenistan contains norms that guarantee the right of citizens to work, to choose at their discretion a profession, occupation and place of work, to healthy and safe working conditions, and the right to remuneration corresponding to the quantity and quality of work.

student of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. 


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