On December 19, 2023, the UN General Assembly unanimously agreed to a resolution about the important role of reliable and steady energy connections in promoting sustainable development. About this reports MFA of Turkmenistan.
The resolution, initiated by Turkmenistan, was co-sponsored by 38 states.
The resolution wants countries to keep working together to make sure that energy connections stay strong and reliable. This is so that countries can work together and grow, and also to make sure that everyone has access to energy that is affordable, reliable and good for the environment.
Turkmenistan wants to have a big meeting in 2024 with energy experts from all over the world. They want to talk about how to work together better on energy and make sure countries with not a lot of energy can get what they need. They think this is important for making sure countries can grow and have what they need for the future.
compiled by Sona GURBANNAZAROWA,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.