Turkmenistan – Republic of Turkey: friendly relations

Today, our country pays special attention to brotherly relations. This can be seen in the friendly relations between Turkmenistan and Turkey. These countries are rich in historical and cultural heritage.

Diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkey were established on February 29, 1992. During the successful cooperation, rich and positive experience of large-scale relations between the two countries has been accumulated. It is based on a wide range of bilateral agreements and legal documents signed at the intergovernmental, intergovernmental and interagency levels and covering important areas of cooperation.

It should be noted that Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkey have great opportunities for further development and deepening of cooperation. First of all, the efforts of the peoples of the two countries to strengthen friendly and good relations create positive conditions for this.

Turkey became one of the first states to support first state independence, and then twice the neutral status of Turkmenistan, which is today recognized by the world community as an effective tool for ensuring peace and stability in the region.

compiled by Senemgul ALLAKOVA,
student of the Institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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