Avaza festival in Turkmenistan has ended

The Avaza-2023 International Folklore and Dance Festival ended with a big festive concert. Hundreds of artists from Turkmenistan, Europe and Asia performed on the main stage of the Avazinsky seashore. This was reported in the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan”.

In a warm atmosphere of positive creativity, a solemn ceremony of awarding the participants of the festival with commemorative diplomas was held. Dance groups from around the world thanked the President of Turkmenistan for the hospitality and warm welcome, expressed their gratitude for the desire to preserve the national cultural traditions of different peoples.

At the beginning of the final concert, the audience was presented with a theatrical performance “Ömürleriň aýdymy”, in which all folklore groups took part. During the concert, the guests of the event saw the performances of dance teams from various regions of Turkmenistan, from India, Tajikistan, the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and other countries.

compiled by Nazikjemal JUMAYEVA,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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