36 thousand tons of sulfuric acid produced in the chemical factory

According to the results of the four months of this year, at the Chemical Factory named after S.A. Niyazov in Turkmenabat, products worth 34 million 468 thousand manats were produced.

Since the beginning of the year, the production of phosphorous mineral fertilizers, which is considered the main production, has been smoothly established, and 79 thousand tons of phosphorous mineral fertilizers have been prepared. In this regard, the plan was fulfilled by 100.8 percent, and the growth rate of production was equal to 118.7 percent.

36 thousand 910 tons of sulfuric acid were produced in January-April.

Various types of products are produced in a large manufacturing company and the demand for them is increasing day by day. Mainly, there are liquid glass, polyethylene pipes, polyethylene barrels, ameliorant, sulfur chemicals, including sulfuric acid, oxyhumate, oxygen gas, sodium sulfide, electrolyte, ammonium superphosphate, chlorine lime, slaked lime, shoe polish and other products. produced and widely used in various sectors of the economy.

You can also read it in Jeyhun news.

student of state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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