Turkmen Businessmen participated in “CHINAPLAS” international exhbition

Recently, an international exhibition on plastic and polymer production under the name “Chinaplas” was held at the World Exhibition Center in Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China. About 50 thousand businessmen from about 150 countries, including dozens of Turkmen businessmen, took part in this exhibition and got acquainted with the world’s latest achievements in plastic and polymer products.

At the exhibition held in Shenzhen, China, which is the largest producer of electronic products in the world, 18 sections presented the achievements and future prospects of plastic and polymer production as examples of thousands of new products.

Turkmen businessmen got to know them closely and exchanged ideas with leading experts about the possibilities of using these innovative products in the country, and the main directions for the development of plastic and polymer industry in Turkmenistan.

In addition to these, technologies for the production of various types of construction goods by adding all kinds of mixtures to plastic and polymer at the exhibition aroused great interest among Turkmen businessmen.

It was emphasized that Turkmenistan, which has great potential in the production of plastics and polymers, can become one of the leading countries in this field in the future.

Amannazar Halnazarow,
Student of state energy instute of Turkmenistan


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