Democracy tradition: special treatment for first time voters

On Sunday, elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the velayat, etrap and city People’s council, as well as gengeshes took place in Turkmenistan. The polling stations offered good conveniences for all the voters. The elections were conducted according to the national laws and international norms and open food fair, live music, and welcoming election organizers boosted the attendees’ spirits.

It’s worth noting that the first time voters who reached the age of 18, received special treatment on the occasion. They were congratulated with flowers and gifts. This is a notable event which encourages the youth for the votes and highlights the the crucial part they take in the process of shaping the the future of our Motherland. This has become a democracy tradition to provoke the feeling of responsibility and enthusiasm towards the bright future of our country. The event not only stimulates responsibility, but also uprises the patriotic feelings of the youth and favorably activates the rate of voters.

Voting took place from 07:00 to 19:00 in all 2644 polling stations. According to Central Commission for holding Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan, a total of 12300 voters were registered for the elections. This shows the positive effect of the encouragement of the people in voting and contributing to the bright future of our country.

Besides, active participation in the elections was also noted at 42 polling stations opened at the diplomatic missions and consulates of Turkmenistan abroad. The total of 12907 voters were registered. In the diplomatic offices of Turkmenistan, all conditions have been created for our citizens who are abroad to fulfill their civic duty.

student at Magtymguly
Turkmen State University


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