Gulfood 2024 exhibition in Dubai

Turkmen entrepreneurs participated to a big food and restaurant trade show called Gulfood 2024 in Dubai from February 19 to 23.

Some of the companies include candy makers like Hasar and Okgun, drink makers Ýüpekçi and Arçalyk, as well as Ýigit ES, which grows tomatoes in greenhouses under the brand Mahmal.

Gulfood 2024 is a big event for food, drinks, and kitchen equipment in the Gulf countries. It’s for people in the hotel and restaurant business, as well as anyone interested in cooking. It is a big event in the food industry that happens every year and people from all over the world come to it.

The exhibit displays the newest technology, styles, and products in the food industry, helping to create important business relationships and partnerships. Over 5,200 companies from 125 countries and over 130,000 visitors from 195 countries are taking part in the event.

Last year, companies from Turkmenistan like Ýüpekçi ES, confectionery company Balam, Hasar ES, Kämil market retail chain, and Dowletli Dowran private enterprise joined the 28th International food and drinks exhibition, Gulfood 2023.

compiled by Tumar JOLLYKOVA,
student of the institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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