New books for the anniversary of Magtymguly

The “Ylym” publishing house wants to publish books written by Turkmen scientists about the 300th anniversary of the Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy. Three books are being suggested to be published by the Magtymguly Institute of Turkmenistan’s Academy of Sciences. About this reports Turkmenistan Golden age. 

For example, the book “Magtymguly in the Literature of Turkic Peoples” by Dr. Magtymguly in the Literature of Turkic Peoples is a book written by a person named Dr. Ahmet Mammedov talks about the studying of a famous thinker from the East and his poetry collections in Turkic languages. The writer says that people who speak Turkic languages think of Magtymguly Pyragy as their poet. This new book by the scientist and poet Ahmet Mammedov has cool facts and info about science.

Researchers and admirers of the works of the Turkmen classic will be drawn to the monograph “Place and Country Names in the Works of Magtymguly and their Poetics” by renowned scholar Gurbanburdy Geldiyev. The book explains the beauty and significance of the names of places and countries mentioned in Magtymguly’s writings.

The big book “Magtymguly – a Source of Inspiration” has lots of articles about the poet’s work and studying it in detail. They show how valuable the poetry of the Turkmen classic is, and how it reflects human values and artistic perfection.

A new set of articles about Magtymguly Pyragy’s 300th anniversary is being put together by the Institute of History and Archaeology in Turkmenistan. It’s called “The Great Magtymguly and the Life of Turkmens,”  The book talks about the time when Magtymguly Pyragy lived and wrote poetry, showing his wise words and caring beliefs. New research shows that the poet’s works reflect the spiritual beliefs and traditional ways of the Turkmen people.

compiled by Oguljan CHARYYEVA,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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