Special conference of medical and sanitary institutions

The conference on public health threats in Non-Aligned Movement countries began at the capital’s “Ýyldyz” hotel.

Working together with other countries and international organizations is very important to our country’s foreign policy. We want to support finding good solutions to many important problems.

Turkmenistan has been working closely with the Non-Aligned Movement, which is an organization that doesn’t side with any military groups. This shows how Turkmenistan has been cooperating with other countries in the world. Our country’s position in the world is based on being neutral and always promoting peace, being creative and caring about people.

The delegates at the forum received a warm message from President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. He said that the conference was a sign of respect for our country and recognition of the improvements in our public health system.

At the conference, people will talk about how medical diplomacy helps keep people healthy and safe, and how it helps countries work together to prevent and respond to health threats.

The conference will have fun activities for the guests, like visiting the “smart” city of Arkadag, museums, and sights in the Turkmen capital.

compiled by Jennet SHARIPOVA,
student of the state energy institute of Turkmenistan.


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