Arkadag city – place of health

It is of great importance to raise mentally and physically healthy generations in our Motherland. The first “smart” city of Turkmenistan – Arkadag, the construction and commissioning of sports facilities that contribute to the strengthening of healthy lifestyles in the society, is a testimony to the opportunities being created in the country.

Continuous work on strengthening the health of the people in the country, implementation of the “Health” state program is inextricably linked with measures taken to encourage and develop the mass physical education and sports movement, and to involve the population, first of all, the youth in it.

For these purposes, Arkadag City’s General Directorate for physical training and sports was established, multipurpose sports complex and sports center (water sports complex), and a 10,000 seat stadium were built. All of them are equipped with equipment that meets international standards. All conditions have been created here for sports such as football, volleyball, basketball, tennis and table tennis, weightlifting and athletics, gymnastics, fencing, chess, chess and others, including water sports. Other facilities have also been provided, including fitness, trainer and consultation rooms. In addition to a large swimming pool, the sports center also has a children’s water park. It should be noted that a football team of the city of Arkadag, which currently leads the national football championship, was founded.

Senemgul ALLAKOVA,
student of the Institute of International Relations

of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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