Banking structure of Arkadag city

The introduction of advanced technologies and methods in all sectors of the economy, which have shown positive results in the economic development of the countries of the world, is the main direction of our country’s economic policy. This is also stated in the “Program for the Development of the Economic, Financial and Banking Systems of Turkmenistan for 2019-2025”. In accordance with the program, important tasks are being implemented to improve the reliability and sustainability of credit institutions, increase the base of banks, introduce the hardware and software necessary to improve the electronic document management system in banks.

As we mentioned above, the first part of this city was opened on June 29, 2023 with the participation of our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The opening ceremony of the country’s first “smart city” was also attended by many foreign guests. The creative teams of Turkmenistan performed an inspiring musical and choreographic composition on the square near the monument to Akhan. According to the report, at the first session, issues related to the prospects for sustainable development and new technologies in cities were discussed, and at the second session, John Deere Vice President for the CIS countries, Regional Director for International Sales of JCD UK LTD, Head of Samo from Tajikistan, and Turkmen investors. Representatives of the companies discussed investment opportunities in Turkmenistan, especially for the city of Arkadag. The forum also included discussions on the digital infrastructure of smart cities and innovative digital technologies.

student of the Institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.


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