Saidmurod Davlatov: Can you see how powerful the knowledge is?

On Thursday, Saidmurod Davlatov appeared on the stage of the conference hall of the Union of Industrialists and Enterpreuners of Turkmenistan with a presentation about his life experience, businesses, and ongoing social programs.

Conference was attended by representatives of business circles and various sectors.

Saidmurod Davlatov: «Ashgabat is a unique city with its architecture and cleanliness»

Saidmurod Davlatov, who is in Turkmenistan to attend the Investment Forum within the frame of the grand opening of Arkadag city, had the chance of making a quick tour through Ashgabat, the capital city. He rated highly for the unique urban architecture, beautiful design, and cleanliness of the city.

«Ashgabat is so clean and beautiful. You can’t find such cities in other countries of the world. Residents of a such blessed and peaceful country should cherish the quality of life. We see the reflections of the high efforts of His Excellency Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Honorable President of Turkmenistan, and His Excellency Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the National Leader for the luxurious life of the people.»

Saidmurod Davlatov: «Humanitarian values, business ethics, and health are important factors in achieving success»

Along with his experience in business life, Saidmurod Davlatov has expressed his guidelines on checklist to be considered before starting, goods-market relations, resource planning, business ethics, communications, and human values. Davlatov, a well-known business coach, highlighted the impacts of family life, daily organization, healthy food, and sports.

Saidmurod Davlatov: «Free advice — useless advice»

Saidmurod Davlatov has made a screen presentation about his students who have achieved high results.

«All that these entrepreneurs did was, just increased their knowledge. They attended the development programs of our business school SAMO. Do you see what can the knowledge create?» said, Davlatov.

«To achieve correct results of business mechanism, get the consultation from the experienced person who has already gone through that field. Listening to advice from the wrong people will just give you more waste money and time. When you have money, there will be more people attempting to take that money from you. They will give you free advice. Don’t listen to them. Remember: free advice is useless advice.»

Saidmurod Davlatov: «Average 63 books must be read annually for success in one specific field»

As Saidmurod Davlatov says, to maintain the level of demanded specialist in the next 20 years, and have continuous personal growth, one must read an average 63 book annually.

Saidmurod Davlatov: «Go to bed early, wake up early…»

«Healthcare is essential in achieving success in life. I go through full medical check-ups twice a year. Especially joints are losing strength, as we grow old. Eating and drinking should be on schedule. The body must get enough sleep. Go to bed at 10:00 pm, the latest at 11:00 pm. And wake up early,» lists down, Davlatov, his recommendations.

Saidmurat Davlatov: «Everybody does mistakes, so did I …»

As an answer to a question from the audience, Davlatov told about his mistakes in business and life, such as: making decisions alone; taking too many responsibilities on his own shoulders; investing on enterpreuners, not on businessmen; investing, but not controlling; etc.

He continued his advice: «When you will save your money, there will be people trying to trick you to take them from you. Do not give the any penny. That’s your hard work. Use your money for useful things. Create jobs, businesses for the benefit of public.»

Merdan Atayev


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