Rustem Hallyyev won the award “Bright Star of the Year – 2022”

The final round of the annual television competition “Yylyn Parlak Yyldyzy – 2022” among young pop singers of the country was held in the music studio of the “Turkmen Ovazy” television and radio station. The Central Council of the Youth Organization organized the competition named after Magtymguly, the Ministry of Culture, and the State Committee for Television, Radio, and Cinematography of Turkmenistan.

 Only 10 of the most talented young singers qualified for the final round of this annual competition.

According to the conditions of the competition, the contestants performed two songs, one of which was performed without music, so that the judges could fully appreciate the purity and beauty of the singers’ voices and their ability to connect harmony with the audience. The votes determined the result of the competition through SMS notifications sent by popular actors, singers, and viewers. As a result, young singer Rustem Hallyev became the “Yylyn Parlak Yyldyzy”.

In this  “Yylyn Parlak Yyldyzy” competition, young singers  Bahar Annayeva won 1st place, 2nd place is Shatlyk Gurbannazarov, 3rd place is Seyitguly Tulegenov. Last year’s winner Begench Charyev proudly handed over the portable trophy to this year’s owner.

 The winners of the competition were awarded certificates of appreciation, valuable gifts, and also incentive prizes.

Kadyrmyrat Ovezgylyjov


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