Turkmen student has become winner at 2nd International Olympiad on Financial Security

Baynazar Nepesov, a student from Turkmenistan, has won 1st prize at 2nd International Olympiad on Financial Security.

Recently Science and Higher Education Ministry, Federal Agency on Financial Monitoring, Education Ministry and some other organization of Russian Federation have organized 2nd International Olympiad on Financial Security in Sochi city.

Over 40 thousands application were registered for participation. Only selected students from 12 countries have participated in the 2-round competition. 72 of which were awarded with diplomas and certificates.

Baynazar Nepesov, student of 3rd year of International Relations Faculty at Institute of International Relations of MFA of Turkmenistan, has won 1st prize in the category of “International Relations.”

1st year student of the Faculty of
International Journalism at IIR MFAT.


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