Regional Forum “Innovation for Change in Central Asia

Continuing registration for the Regional Forum “Innovation for Change in Central Asia: Think Tank Development, Regional Innovative Initiatives, “Asia+” Talks”

On 24-26th of November 2021, the Civil Society Development Association “ARGO” and Global initiative on civil society development I4C will host a Regional Forum “Innovation for Change in Central Asia: Think Tank Development, Regional Innovative Initiatives, “Asia+” Talks” and will bring together more than 100 participants from CA countries, Russia, Mongolia, Afghanistan and Europe in a hybrid format (offline and online).

The goal of the Forum is to provide an interactive platform to share knowledge by civil society leaders, practitioner researchers and analysts, present and discuss results of the I4C initiatives, research projects implemented by ARGO and partners from Central Asia. The main objective of the Forum is to encourage cross-sectoral cooperation for sharing knowledge and joint development of innovative and best political decisions with the involvement of Think Tanks of public policy.

The Forum Agenda includes plenary sessions, interactive small group discussions, master classes, and exchange of experience. During the Forum, experts from CA civil society will talk about the results of their research in the Talks format, discuss the experience gained and the lessons learned from research in Think and Can Do Tank with the Forum participants in three thematic areas: “Social innovation”, “Creating an enabling environment for civil Society ”and“ The Impact of Geopolitics and Investment in Central Asian Countries ”. Belt and Road Initiative experts will conduct a Webinar on the BRI Framework in Central Asia.

The Innovation for Change (I4C) is a global network of people and organizations inspired by ideas, methods and technologies from different sectors. I4C works together on research, networking, education and training, fundraising, digital literacy and development of technologies. I4C in Central Asia includes Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The I4C Central Asia (CA) Hub Secretariat is the Civil Society Development Association “ARGO”.  

You can register for participation here.



30.11.2020 Гражданский Форум Казахстана впервые прошёл в онлайн формате


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