Holding an International Ice Hockey Tournament in Ashgabat is the main topic of a media forum

Today, there will be a media forum at the Sport Hotel of the Olympic village in Turkmen capital. It is dedicated to the International Ice Hockey Tournament. This was reported by official media of Turkmenistan.

The event was attended by various dignitaries including the heads of the State Committee for Physical Education and Sports, the State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography, the Hockey Federations of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, representatives from the participating teams and the media were also present.

Club teams from Bahrain, Belarus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Oman, Russia, Turkmenistan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan will take part in the tournament. Our country will be represented by the eight-time national champion Galkan of the sports club of the same name.

As discussed during the media forum, the hockey tournament was preceded by thorough and responsible preparation by the State Committee for Physical Education and Sports and the Hockey Federation of Turkmenistan. The Winter Sports Complex, where all matches will take place, has been equipped with all necessary facilities for the athletes, officials, guests, and fans. Additionally, 200 volunteers from seven higher educational institutions in the country have been trained to assist with the smooth running of the event.

During a media forum, journalists were briefed on the preparations of the Galkan team for an upcoming hockey tournament. The International Hockey Tournament in Ashgabat has garnered significant interest from foreign media. As a result, several individual programs and videos dedicated to this competition are scheduled to be aired on channels such as Mir24, TRT Avaz, and CCTV. News from this sporting event will be distributed to broadcasters of the news group of the Asiavision Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Association and broadcasted by the Interstate Information Pool. Furthermore, publications from the International Sports Press Association (AIPS) and the Asian Sports Press Union (ASPU) are planning to feature materials about the tournament.

compiled by Maksat NURYYEV,
student of the Oguz Han Engineering and technology
university of Turkmenistan.


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