All the conveniences and opportunities are created for students to show their skills and demonstrate their abilities in the Revival Era of the Powerful State.
Within the framework of the “Concept for improving the teaching of foreign languages in Turkmenistan” much work is carried out in order to achieve consistent and interconnected system of teaching a foreign language in Turkmenistan.
The event TEDx at IUHD was held at the International University for the Humanities and Development among the representative students of the all the higher educational establishments in Turkmenistan. The students performed their speeches on different inspirational and informative topics. This competition helped the students express their ideas on the chosen topics freely. The event gathered together students all around Turkmenistan and we fully enjoyed it.
At the end of the event we were given certificates. We hope this fascinating competition will be an initiation to be held in the coming years annually.
student at Magtymguly
Turkmen State University