World meteorological day

Between 1970 and 2019, disasters caused by weather, climate and water events accounted for half of all disasters. They accounted for 45% of all deaths and 74% of the damage. The frequency of disasters is increasing year by year, and if nothing is done in connection with climate change, this trend will continue.

Rising temperatures are causing devastating droughts and causing more frequent and violent hurricanes, floods and floods. Over 50,000 people have died from extreme heat alone in 50 years of observations. Devastating forest fires around the world are also a consequence of climate change.

However, if you take a closer look at the statistics, the numbers no longer look so hopeless. While the economic damage from disasters has grown 7 times since 1970, the death rate has almost halved. This result is a consequence of a change in approach to disaster management.

On March 23, 1950, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Convention entered into force, in which the formation of the Organization was proclaimed. WMO currently has 187 Member States and six Territories.

First of all, WMO deals with weather, climate and water issues, and the countries that make up it have been successfully cooperating for many years, exchanging operational data on the state of the atmosphere, land, seas, oceans, rivers, on the basis of which weather forecasts and warnings are compiled. about dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena.

WMO strengthens the interaction between the national meteorological and hydrological services of its member countries and promotes the application of meteorology in government meteorological services, agriculture, aviation, shipping, environment, water and disaster mitigation. Among the most significant achievements of WMO are the creation of a worldwide climate research program and the establishment of the World Weather Watch.

And the World Meteorological Day itself is held to raise awareness of the general public about the possible consequences of climate change. Indeed, today rapid climate change is one of the most serious environmental problems facing humanity. This manifests itself not only in changing weather conditions, rising / falling temperatures, but can also lead to such devastating disasters as floods, droughts, tsunamis, etc.

Therefore, every year this Day is dedicated to a theme and appropriate promotional activities are held. Thus, in different years it was held under the mottos: “Our future climate”, “Weather, climate, water and sustainable development”, “Prevention of danger and mitigation of the consequences of natural disasters”, “Polar meteorology: understanding global impacts”, “Observations on our planet for a better future”, “Weather, climate and water are the driving force of our future”, “Understanding the clouds”, “Preparing for the weather, considering the climate”, “Sun, Earth and weather”, “Climate and water resources”, “Ocean , our climate and weather” and others.


Shagylych BERDIYEV,

I Year Student of the Faculty of
International Law of the Institute of
International Relations of the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.


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