CJSC Turkmen hemrasy and Turkmentelecom provide satellite communication services

     In the prosperous period of our sovereign state, under the wise and prudent leadership of our esteemed President, the latest achievements of science and technology, advanced international practices and modern technologies have been widely implemented in all sectors of the economy and achieved high economic results. The President of Turkmenistan’s Program for Socio-Economic Development of the country for 2019-2025 is aimed at improving the competitiveness of our national economy through the consistent introduction of a digital economy based on modern information and communication technologies that meet international standards. The tasks related to the introduction and development of the digital economy in our country are being implemented in stages.

    On the occasion of the glorious 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, which will be celebrated in our country in 2021, TurkmenTelecom and Turkmen hemrasy provide high-speed Internet services to remote villages in the Ahal, Balkan and Mary provinces of the country through the national satellite service “TurkmenAlem520E”.

    The long-distance communication complexes provide great benefits to the work of farmers and ranchers, and helps create a balance of living conditions in urban and rural areas and this is one of the priorities set by the President.

    The representatives of the communications sector would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Hero President for these conditions. We wish our esteemed President good health and success in his work for the benefit of the people and the country.

Teacher of the Institute of Telecommunications
and Informatics of Turkmenistan


  1. https://turkmenhemrasy.gov.tm/en/news/16
  2. www.turkmenhemrasy.gov.tm


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