TDH – Turkmen State News Agency has published the speech of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
In his speech President Berdimuhamedov emphanises on the importance of resolution post-epidemy conditions in the world economy.
“Perhaps the whole world has felt its vulnerability to a common threat with such severity for the first time in many decades. And we hope and believe that only unity and solidarity can overcome and defeat it and allow mankind to become renewed, wiser, more responsible and farsighted after this battle. And even though the current period is difficult and controversial it gives us a chance to change for the better for the sake of the entire planet’s destiny. It is our highest political and moral duty not to miss this chance, to show dignity, solidarity and true humanism,” stated by the speeker.
President Berdimuhamedov also makes his recommendations on further solutions of the current global situation:
“We are convinced that today we need comprehensive, systematic and purposeful multilateral cooperation on the problem of dangerous viral diseases, a full launch of scientific diplomacy channels. In this regard, Turkmenistan proposes to consider the development and establishment of appropriate international instruments.
In particular, under the aegis of WHO, we consider it appropriate:
– to establish a special program of the World Health Organization to research the coronavirus genome;
– to develop a multilateral mechanism for pneumonia control;
– establish a Methodological Center for the Treatment and Prevention of Acute Infections.
We are ready for meaningful communication on implementation of these initiatives with all interested countries and international structures.”